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kostenfreies Summit: Materie & Mentalität und Spiritualität bis 22.12.
Jetzt kostenfrei anmelden! Morgen geht’s los: Earth Keepers Summit Die Legende der Q’ero, der Schamanen der Inka, erzählt von einem grossen Lichtwesen, einem Engelwesen, das in die Zukunft schaute. Es erkannte den nächsten grossen Schritt für die Menschheit.
Wohin dieser Schritt führte, war unklar. Die Menschen selbst werden den Weg bestimmen müssen, der ihr Schicksal ist. Der Weg dieser Veranstaltung führt über Medizin und Materie zu Spiritualität.
Diese Lehrer, Schamanen, Weisheitshüter und Speaker sind am 20.-22.12.2020 mit dabei: Alberto Villoldo Deepak Chopra Sadhguru Colette Baron-Reid Gregg Braden Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq Q’ero Schamanen aus Peru Anita Moorjani Vadim Tschenze Tulku Lobsang Rinpoche Dr. Ruediger Dahlke Brooke Medicine Eagle Gordon Smith Marcela Lobos Lee Carroll & Monika Muranyi Lynn McTaggart Mark Hyman Asha Frost Howard Martin Eric Pearl & Jillian Fleer Anna Bjurstam Anke Evertz Dieses Treffen wird gleichzeitig in verschiedenen Sprachen auf der Welt gezeigt.
Hier hast du die Möglichkeit, komplett kostenfrei dabei zu sein!
AquaTru, just for you! Beachten Sie das Angebot, bis zum 03.01.21 gültig
Dear AquaTru follower,
This year has been quite a challenge for many of us, therefor we would like to end 2020 on a cheerful note with a special gift, just for you!
We have lined up some attractive discounts on all of our products. Maybe you want to surprise your friends and family with a nice present, or you just want to spoil yourself. This is the moment!
End of year offer – Air Doctor Pro from €629,- for €420,-
Air Doctor Pro is the first affordable air purifier that not only removes nearly 100% of all airborne particles, but also the vast majority of toxic ozone, volatile organic chemicals and gases. See test results
Go to our webshop, add the product(s) to your shopping cart and the €209,- discount will be automatically applied.
AquaTru’s mission is to contribute to the good health of its customers, with its products. Special holiday discount – AquaTru water filter from €450,- for €300,-
Because, in addition to clean air, clean drinking water is also of vital importance, we also offer our followers a special discount of €150,- on the AquaTru water filter.
Go to our webshop, add the product(s) to your shopping cart and the €150,- discount will be automatically applied.
And last, but not least:
* PLEASE NOTE: All offers are valid until Sunday, January 3rd 2021, 11:59 PM.
Do you have any questions? Please contact us via or +31 6 49 536 820 (WhatsApp and/or phone). We are happy to help you!
Besinnliche Tage wünschen wir Ihnen
A Gift For You – A Free e-Book – 12 HeartMath® Tools for Reducing Stress and Staying Balanced
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Dear Marc,
We understand that we all are being challenged with highly stressful adjustments to situations that are disrupting the flow of our lives and feelings of safety.
As a gesture of our care, we are gifting you our new 12 HeartMath® Tools for Reducing Stress and Staying Balanced e‑Book – downloadable in PDF, ePub and Mobi* formats.
A Gift, 12 HeartMath® Tools for Reducing Stress and Staying Balanced.
Download e-Book
The tools and practices in this guide are designed to help us engage and activate our deeper heart qualities. This empowers us to move with more inner balance between our mind, emotions, and the voice in our heart. The lack of harmony between these three principal energies cause much of the anxiety, stress, and difficulty with discernment or making choices.
Many of us are experiencing our share of these insistent challenges and uncertainty. However, more and more people are discovering transforming benefits from learning to listen to their heart’s intuition for guidance, emotional balance, and best solutions for maintaining poise and stability moving forward.
We selected a few simple and effective tools that HeartMath practices, and we hope they will help reduce much stress and anxiety while helping you to sustain mental and emotional balance and clearer choices. Other caring systems also provide helpful information for the challenges of these times. It’s beneficial to try tools from many sources so as to find help that’s aligned with your needs.
We are here to love and get along with each other. This will make the difference we are looking for.
A Gift, 12 HeartMath® Tools for Reducing Stress and Staying Balanced.
Download e-Book
We invite you to share this e-mail and gift with others. Sharing these tools is an impactful way to practice self-care, along with facilitating family and friends.
Here is a direct link to the article: www.heartmath.org/download/12-heartmath-tools
From all of us at the HeartMath Institute, we hope you and your loved ones stay safe and well.
With compassionate care,
Sara Childre, President, HeartMath Institute
*The downloadable PDF, if you choose to print it, has space for notes or journaling after each technique. The ePub is for smartphone/pad Nook, or Mobi is for your Kindle Reader.
HeartMath Institute
14700 West Park Ave., Boulder Creek, California 95006 (831) 338-8500 | www.heartmath.org
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The HeartMath Institute is a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit organization and is a DBA of the Institute of HeartMath. To unsubscribe from all e-mails, click here. The Global Coherence Initiative is also a DBA of the Institute of HeartMath.